
honey value chain, other bee products, vitality of honeybees honey quality, characterization of honeys and other products, development of new products, pollination, bees biodiversity

Dr. María Alejandra Palacio 

Project Manager



Agronomical Engineer (1987) from the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP). Master of Science (M.Sc) in Genetics with a focus on bee genetic improvement (1992) from the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil); Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Agricultural Sciences at the National University of Mar del Plata (2005).
She has been a professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at UNMdP since 1982 and currently holds the position of professor of Apiculture in the Agronomy degree program and Quality and Technology of honey and apicultural products in the Food Science and Technology degree program. She is also part of the teaching team for the Apiculture for Development degree program (Faculty of Veterinary Sciences-UNCPBA / INTA). She participated in the formulation of PROAPI (Integrated Beekeeping Development Project, currently the INTA Beekeeping Program) in 1995 and has had various roles in the team since then. In 2011, she joined INTA, and since 2014, she has been coordinating the INTA PROAPI Program at the national level. She is a member of the RedLAC team. Her main area of work has been the genetic improvement of bees, and she has led the team responsible for obtaining PROAPI genetics with high hygienic behavior and tolerance to brood diseases, which has made it possible to eliminate the use of antibiotics in apicultural production.
She has participated in and coordinated national and international projects focused on generating knowledge and technologies for the control of bee diseases using non-contaminating methods. She has published scientific articles in national and international journals and articles on this subject. She has also served as a director and co-director for master’s and doctoral students in the areas of bee genetics, health, nutrition, and added value in apicultural production. She has been responsible for scientific committees at national and international conferences and has presented at numerous scientific and technical events in the country and abroad.